Monday, December 8, 2014

Letter 12/7/14

Dear Everybody,
How's life? Hope it's good for you! You know what? It's pretty good for me. It's nearing Christmas here and the joy of the season is everywhere. Downtown is decked out it white lights, Christmas music cascades from mounted speakers, and cute old streetlights makes me feel like I stepped back into the 1930. It seems like everyone is soaking up the season--and loving every second of it!
As for us and our work, we have been working hard. We talk and talk and talk. We even go caroling! Well, sort of--since both my companion and I have a recovering winter cold and I myself am a bit tone deaf, we pop open a portable player and show everyone the He is the Gift video. Then, if someone doesn't have the time for our fantastic 3 minute video we give them a card with:
" Discover the Gift
Embrace the Gift
#SharetheGift "
and the link to to watch the video
This is a time in the world with a great need for ALL to draw a little closer to Christ. Some of us still need to spiritually meet him, some need to become reacquainted, and some need to give him more time. Whether it's time to discover His church, or time to simply pray more fervently--it really doesn't matter. If we will just do what we can to do what WE can--both in our own lives (which we CAN do) and for others (which we CAN help and encourage!)--then the world would be so much brighter. 
I would hope--and in fact INVITE--everyone who reads this to do SOMETHING (prayerfully identified) to both draw themselves nearer to Christ and to help another. If we each will take a leap of faith and not fear--just love Christ and our fellow man--we will know in our hearts we have given Christ a gift he truly desired.
Now is the time--"Tis the Season" after all ;)
Sister Short

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